This year we want to add new Christmas cards to our shop which are designed by LATCH children who are currently on treatment. To encourage our young artists we are running a Christmas card competition. The 2 winners will receive a £20 Amazon gift voucher and their entry will be printed on our new Christmas cards.

Who can participate?
The entry is open for children who are currently on treatment in the age range of: under 10 years and 11 to 18 years old. Children who are currently staying on Rainbow ward and want to participate can use art materials that we provide on the ward. Just ask our play specialists for paints and hand your entry over to Kylie, Allison or Catrin.
What paper size and art materials can be used?
Each entry should be painted on an A4 size paper and also should include the child’s full name and age. We would like children to use traditional art supplies such as watercolour or gouache paints. We also accept digital art. Please make sure the size is big enough to print as a card and that it is set to 300DPI (which is the printing standard) and send this to us as jpg file.
Where to send the entry to?
You can either hand in your entry in person or send it to the LATCH office at: Children’s Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XW . Only one entry per child.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for entries is the 31st of August 2024. The LATCH team will choose the winners in September. We are aiming to get the cards printed and ready to sell in October.
Don’t know what to paint?
Here are some ideas of motifs for you: a red robin on a twig, reindeer Rudolph, Santa on a sleigh with elves, Santa coming down the chimney, a decorated Christmas tree with gifts underneath, a nativity scene, a winter landscape, baubles, wrapped gifts.
If you have any questions regarding this competition, please contact Helen White at: